Thermal Integrity Test
Thermal Integrity Profiling (TIP) is performed in accordance with ASTM-D7949. This method determines the integrity of the whole cross-sectional area, including outside the reinforcing cage of cast in place concrete foundations such as drilled shafts, bored, augured cast-in-place (ACIP), continuous flight auger (CFA) and drilled displacement piles. To do so, the Thermal Integrity Profiler (TIP™) of Pile Dynamics Inc. using embedded Thermal Wire Cable measures the heat generated by the curing cement (hydration energy) along the entire length, without maximum length limitations.
Because the method relies on the heat of hydration, TIP testing is general done between 8 and 48 hours of concrete placement (note the optimum TIP testing time is dependent on shaft size and concrete mix and could range from 4 to 72 hours).